February 5, 2025

1: Calabash Nutmeg Other names: African nutmeg,Botanical name: Monodora Myristica Local Names: Erhe – Urhobo; Iwo – Itsekiri; Ehuru – Igbo; Ariwo – Yoruba; Gujiya dan miya – Hausa; Ukposa – Bini. Consists of: Shell and seed. Parts Used: Seed, Uses: condiment in soups, combined to make spice blends for peppersoup

2. Gbafilo Other names: Rough-skinned/ Grey/ Guinea plum.Botanical name: Chrysobalanus icaco.Local Names: Gbafilo/ Gbafilor– Itsekiri And out of interest, in Brazil, it is known as Grageru or Abageru. Consists of: Sandpaper like shell and kernel,Parts Used: kernel. Uses: condiment in soups, combined to make spice blends for peppersoup.

3. Grains of Selim:The fruits are narrow, slightly torulose, dark brown or black, about 2inches long, born many (separate carpels) together on a stout peduncle (The Useful Plants of West Africa)Other names: African/ Guinea/ Ethiopian Pepper, Botanical name: Xylopia Aethiopica,Local Names: Urheri – Urhobo; Unien – Bini; Atta – Ibibio/Efik; Uda – Igbo; Eeru – Yoruba. Consists of: Skin and seeds. The seeds are bitter,Parts Used: both – the skin is used more often, ground and added to soups or bruised and used whole,Uses: condiment in soups, combined to make spice blends for peppersoup, added to agbo (bitters), put in water to purify it, added to palm wine as a flavourer.

4. Uziza:Other names: Bush Pepper, Guinea cubebs, West African Black Peppers,Botanical name: Piper Guineense,Local Names: Edusa – Ibibio; Eti-nkeni – Efik; Uziza – Igbo; Iyere – Yoruba, Consists of: Dried black berries, uses: condiment used in soups, rice, etc.

5. Alligator Pepper: Other names: Grains of Paradise,Botanical name: Aframomum Melegueta,Local Names: Ehie ado – Bini; Ntuen – Efik; Ose oji/ okwa – Igbo; Oburo – Yoruba,Consists of: Skin and seeds. The seeds are aromatic and pungent, with some strains of cardamom flavour,Parts Used: the seeds are ground and added to soups, stews; also chewed with kolanuts where it produces a numbing effect,Uses: condiment in soups, combined to make spice blends for pepper soup, added to agbo (bitters), put in water to purify it, added to palm wine as a flavourer.

6. Tetrapleura TetrapteraOther names: Prekese [Ghana]Botanical name: Aframomum Melegueta,Local Names: Aridan – Yoruba; Edem Inang – Efik; Ighimiakhie – Bini; Usho usho – IgboConsists of: long winged fruit pods, two hardy, two soft and sweet edible wings.Parts Used: soft wings are edible and usedUses: ground for soups, roasted and ground for soups and sauces. Ground pulp is sometimes added to palm wine to flavour it.

7. Umilo, Omilo:Other names: Cocoplum [Caribbean]Botanical name: Chrysobalanus icaco, Local Names: Omilo/ Umilo – Itsekiri, Consists of: Shell and seed/ kernel, Parts Used: Shell is broken and seed/ kernel inside is used.


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